We are always looking for new curious and talented members. Prospective students are normally trained in Psychology, or have a strong interest in psychological questions and a training in a relevant field (such as Geography, Economics, Computer Science). The vast majority of new graduate students already hold a Masters, or join us for a research master. In exceptional cases new members can directly join the PhD after their Bachelors.
At the University of Cambridge funding is centrally distributed so make sure to apply by the appropriate deadline to be considered for funding.
Our current and past members have been very successful in securing scholarships, with current members being funded by the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, the Cambridge Trust, the Economic Social Research Council and international organizations such as the German National Academic Foundation.
If you are interested in pursuing a PhD with Prof. Rentfrow, please express your interest by completing this form.
If you are interested in joining as a visiting research assistant/student, please send your CV and a brief statement on your availability and interests. In general personality, geographical and statistical knowledge is helpful for our work. (Note: Our research group is currently full, and not seeking new applications at this point of time)